Embracing Diversity, Forging Unity: Carrying Tunku's Legacy into the Future

Here are some quotes that I liked from Malaysia’s first Prime Minister, Tunku Abdul Rahman:

"We are all Malaysians. This is the bond that unites us. Let us always remember that unity is our fundamental strength as a people and as a nation."

"All talk on Islamic States is just an empty dream. No man in his right sense would accept a nation which bases its political administration on religion, and in a country like Malaysia with its multiracial and multireligious people, there is no room for an Islamic State."

"In the old days people never bothered about what others did, so long as they were free to do what they liked themselves. Today, one cannot sneeze without being corrected, let alone enjoy oneself. That's what politics have done to our society."

"We usually forget that apart from making a living on this earth, human beings live in societies and these societies have cultures. It is only through having cultures that mankind on this earth has an ordered and meaningful life. Music and drama are two of the many important manifestations of a culture. They are important because they represent the expressions emanating from the power of human artistic creativity."

It is my hope that all Malaysians will continue to act as one, united in our diversity. Regardless of race, religion, social status, cultural identity, gender or sexual orientation, we must come together as a nation. May this be the end of divisive race-based politics and policies.

Let us also push for the end of censorship in the arts and culture. No more banning of books, traditional art forms, music, concerts, and "controversial" speakers, artists, musicians, and authors. Malaysia's rich tapestry of creativity and expression should be celebrated, not suppressed.

We must embrace our differences and find strength in our unity. The path forward is clear. Let us walk it together, hand in hand, as one people.

#3rdCulture, #Unity


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